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HomeWinter Fundraiser

Winter 2025 Fundraising Campaign

Donating to the League of Women Voters in Charlotte Mecklenburg allows you to participate in a critical effort to build a better community. Our volunteers register new voters, provide civic education to hundreds of participants, and make sure that everyone understands how and when to vote. As a nonpartisan and nonprofit organization, we have no paid staff, and every dollar goes directly to our activities.


Your donations matter.  Our impact...

Slot 1 Civics Education

Our annual, open-to-the-public Civics 101 program covering the county board of elections, city and county government, school board, local judiciary, and the media engaged more than 120 community members in 2024.  

Slot 2 Voter Services

The LWV of Charlotte Mecklenburg strengthens democracy by registering voters at colleges, festivals, citizenship ceremonies, and community sites. It educates the public on voting laws, key dates, and resources like while monitoring area county boards of elections. Through candidate forums and partnerships like the NC Trusted Elections Tour, the League fosters informed and active civic participation.

Slot 3 Free and Fair Elections

 In addition to supporting an educated citizenry, the League actively works for greater voter access, voter turnout, and preventing voter suppression. With a mission of empowering voters and defending democracy, the LWV envisions a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate.

 While the League of Women Voters is non-partisan, we advocate for policy positions aligned with our mission to empower voters and strengthen democracy. Our positions reflect a commitment to equity, transparency, and accountability. This includes ensuring access to affordable healthcare and reproductive rights, and advocating for public education, environmental justice, and gender equality through the ERA.

2025 Winter Fundraising Campaign Countdown
2025 Winter Fundraising Campaign Countdown

Amount Raised


Stories of WHY Giving Matters.

I donated to the LWVCM because the League of Women Voters plays a vital role in empowering voters and defending democracy. As a fully volunteer-driven organization, every dollar supports impactful programs like Civics 101 for residents, voter registration and education (including new citizens), free access to VOTE411 for election guidance, and advocacy for critical issues like reproductive healthcare and individual rights. If you value these initiatives, I encourage you to give generously!
-Jane Hoffmann

The League of Women Voters has been an invaluable partner in my North Carolina work with the Carter Center, as we hosted over 35 town halls in the past two years to educate North Carolinians about the safety and security of our election administration. Democracy is not a spectator sport, and partners like the LWV are essential to help amplify the important work of educating citizens about engaging in their government through voting and advocacy.  I support the League because they play an important nonpartisan role in civic education which is the foundation of our democracy. Even more important, their Civics 101 course was my first in depth introduction to local government, and my first step to becoming an elected official myself.

-Jennifer Roberts, 58th Mayor of Charlotte

Through the years the League has given me many opportunities to be an informed and active participant in our government by registering new citizens to vote at naturalization ceremonies; advocating for issues that promote public education; and meeting a diverse group of people. By donating to the LWVCM I know I will help sustain its ability to protect and grow our democracy.

-Linda Levy, LWV Lifetime Member

As a passionate activist, I see a remarkable group—mostly women—dedicated to keeping democracy alive. For over 100 years, the League has done crucial work, fueled not by personal gain but by a shared belief in America’s promise: that all are created equal, regardless of gender, wealth, heritage, or skin color. This promise remains unmet, but together, we carry its torch forward, knowing, like Dr. King, that while we may not reach the “promised land,” our efforts pave the way for future generations. Supporting the League is an investment in progress—and the road forward.
-Harry Taylor

Honoring Our Founders and Champions

The League of Women Voters Charlotte-Mecklenburg honors the remarkable women who founded and championed the League’s mission. Our top donor levels reflect their legacy:

Gertrude Weil ($300–$499)
Carrie Chapman Catt ($500–$999)
Deborah Ann Turner ($1,000 and up)

By giving at these levels, you help empower voters, defend democracy, and carry their vision forward.

Gertrude Weil Level 
Goldsboro-born reformer Gertrude Weil, “a proper southern lady,” fought for women’s suffrage, founded the League of Women Voters of North Carolina, pushed for labor reform and social welfare, and advocated for world peace.

Carrie Chapman Catt Level
American woman’s suffrage leader who campaigned for the 19th amendment to the Constitution. President of the National American Woman Suffrage Association and founder of the League of Women Voters (February 14, 1920). One of the best-known American women in the first half of the twentieth century.

Deborah Ann Turner Level 
(1950 – 2024)
Esteemed 20th LWVUS President until her untimely death in 2024; fearless advocate for voting and women’s rights who devoted her life to empowering voters across the nation. A gynecologist, teacher, Associate Medical Director for Planned Parenthood (N. Central states.) Fought with unwavering dedication for a more compassionate, equitable and just society. A true champion and guiding light for democracy.
