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Education Action Team

The Education Action Team focuses on the belief that high-quality public education available for all children is necessary to sustain our democratic way of life and the economic health of our state and its citizens. Equitable academic opportunities are critical for success. We believe that adequate funding is essential to provide and sustain such an education.

To accomplish this, the Education Team:
  • Supports public pre-K education programs as essential to successful education outcomes and the programs should be fully funded;
  • Supports highly qualified teachers as a necessary part of quality education;
  • Supports effective training, teacher support, professional development, and competitive salaries; and
  • Believes charter schools and private schools using Opportunity Scholarships and vouchers must be held to the same educational, accountability and transparency standards as traditional public schools since they receive public dollars.
Join the Education Action Team and Collaborate with others to support public education.

For more information contact the Education Team Co-chairs at 

Education Advocacy

The LWVNC Education Team advocates to ensure every child in North Carolina is given the education they are constitutionally owed. We look forward to joining you in that effort.

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  • Engage with Your Legislators!
  • Collaborate with Others on Advocacy Efforts!
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Education Action Research Reports

Executive Summary - NC Opportunity Scholarship Program

The North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship Program raises concerns about accountability and transparency.   As the culmination of a 2-year study, the Education Action Team developed recommendations which, if implemented, will provide (1) assurance to the taxpayers that their money is being spent wisely and (2) appropriate school data for parents to make informed decisions about their children׳s education. The Team is proceeding with advocacy to implement these recommendations. Click below to read our recommendations or download the PowerPoint presentation.

Opportunity Scholarships: What Should Parents and Taxpayers Know? (NC Opportunity Scholarships Powerpoint.pptx)

Executive Summary - School Finance in North Carolina

 North Carolina is ignoring a constitutional mandate to provide an education system that meets the educational needs of all the students. Our concern is that by underfunding education today, the state is eroding the future intellectual capital necessary for a vibrant economy. Click below to review our School Finance in North Carolina PowerPoint and Report.

School Finance in North Carolina PowerPoint

School Finance in North Carolina Report